The Worm Princess.

assalamualaikum. welcome. may you found what you seek. Hanya kepada Allah tempat kembali. Semoga Allah sentiasa melindungi dan melimpahkan rahmatNya kepada kita semua. aminnn...


dangerous thinking.

have you eat a plain bread before. yeah, it's tasteless but if you chew it longer, melt it on your tongue... the glucose came out from that carbs.

haha, poetic moments of me. ok, lately my life was tested hmm i think 'sadly'. so today alhamdulillah there's a light get through me. there was a visit to our bengkel 6 by the ministry of education *which i don't know the full title is* from many countries. so i was ordered by cg.I to make a potrait demonstration. i drew the eyes of Demi Lovato but the nose, lips, ear, hairs from other inspiration. and the result was a bit awkward.

let's get earlier to this day. i saw the flags that were just hung around college was folded-lines. asked teacher about it and she said if we 'rajin' to iron it, just do it. so me and Bieha took it off from the pole and brought it to bengkel 6. when we're done, we head back to where we took it and... some new flags are replaced there. hmmm...bieha put the flags we've ironed to the office. very funny indeed.

i waited for the visitors since early in the morning and got bored. so me n izzah went to the hall. in the morning, the teacher said if you're class cancelled, go to hall to avoid wandering around. and walllahh, movies on. inside out and bajrangi bhaijan. about 11.30 the bus arrived. i rushed to my place. i left one eyebrow undone (sketch) to continue in front of the visitor. funnily it was harsh than the right eyebrow. maybe i'm nervous that time. i was able to converse with a korean lady (in english). she asked me what am i going to be in the future and where would i continued my studies. next, a malay woman asked, why do we (students) need to learn drawing. my answer is,"so that our skills won't be limited only to sewing."

it was nice i got to sleep in the afternoon for a while. after zohor prayer, i'm doing draping for the second wedding outfit. everyone lied down onto the floor and watching movies from the projector that was connected to a laptop. i use this chance well i mean the mannequin that have been lined by kak mira. :D but using the extra fabric and my own pen. kak mira said we need to drape both side of the bodice then sew with size 5 to ensure the accurate size. but... i did only the right side of the corset. maybe the other half i can just duplicate.

i'm trying my best to be the best.

i watched a tutorial video youtube by tr cutting school and trying to do the same. well, almost. in that video the centre of the rose/swirl was just below the bust line. as for me, i wanna do at only the left side of the body. it was a challenge and fascinating for me. i feel happy for receiving that brocade fabric from teacher. other students got awesome fabrics too but i'm grateful for what i have. alhamdulillah.

my mom once said, "if you can dream it,you can achieve it."

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