The Worm Princess.

assalamualaikum. welcome. may you found what you seek. Hanya kepada Allah tempat kembali. Semoga Allah sentiasa melindungi dan melimpahkan rahmatNya kepada kita semua. aminnn...


torrent time.
assalamualaikum. so here i am. after 4 years...
so many things happened.
Don't ever change just to impress and please someone. Change because it makes you a better person and it leads you to a better future.

i don't know why. this year is tough. i just need to stand strong and don't ever give up.
cause i know i'm the best. haha.

i learnt something here. no matter how upset or sad i am, i need to stay silent. this 'last year senior' title is meaningless to me. i'm being scolded for the girls keep 'berkemban', for the assembly got students late, for sitting in bengkel typing letters for FS project, for reminding the girls to get moving, for being a prefect with not having 'garang' face. it is all rely on my shoulder even i never asked for them. yeah, i know this is life. i have to get matured thinking.

one more, my assignments got doubled this year.  without me knowing how to do it. the competition intensifies. i'm okay. i know there are people who having even harder times than me. i need to be grateful and patience with everything.

i know this sound childish, but i miss someone ask about how i'm doing. just like my late mother. ya Allah, tempatkan ibu bapaku di kalangan orang yang beriman. dan izinkan aku mendapat husnul khatimah. amin...

yeah... *sigh*
*take a deep breath*

humans can't live forever. i'm happy and grateful for being born in this such lovely family. all my aunts and cousins are nice, my stepfather, my grandmother, i love every of them.


i can do this.

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